About Us

About Us
Happy Potter is a pottery studio located in Stratford, PEI that is owned and operated by Donna MacLeod.
Happy Potter originated from a deep desire Donna had to share her passion for pottery with kids and adults in a flexible and relaxed environment.
Donna has been a potter for over 17 years and started teaching pottery lessons out of her home studio since 2012.
Donna’s passion for pottery began at a young age. She grew up on a farm in P.E.I in a close knit community where 4-H was an integral part of a child's upbringing. Growing up in a community where she was fortunate to have had opportunities to learn various crafts from parents and gain skills while spending time with friends was very fun and rewarding to her. Donna loved sitting at a mud puddle and playing with the clay, or digging up the clay at the beach and making whatever she could imagine.
Donna’s passion for pottery is how Happy Potter began. She wanted to offer her community the chance to experiment and try pottery, as this art has given so much to her.
“Pottery is really quite magical....there is just nothing like creating something from a lump of clay, and the process is so imaginative, creative and rewarding…not to mention just plain ol’ messy fun! I find it to be a real confidence builder for kids, as you can really do no wrong with pottery creations and they are so proud with their one-of-a-kind works of art that last forever."
Stephanie has been immersed in the beautiful world of pottery for 4 years as an invaluable staff member at Happy Potter. She loves introducing people to the wonderful world that is the fired arts and seeing people light up when they get their treasures back!
Her favorite part of her job is helping people make their pottery dreams come true. Whether it’s showing customers how to do a special painting technique or leading hand-building workshops the happy times just keep on rolling!
When she’s not plugging away at the studio Stephanie spends her time studying at Holland College, cooking and keeping it real with family and friends. You can find her out hiking most Sundays on PEI’s beautiful trails and see her love of nature trickle into the pottery she designs herself.